Monday, November 9, 2009

Saved 81% at Publix

Here is what you can get for about $28 at Publix without coupons.Here is what I actually got for $27.65.You can't really see everything because I made the photo on the "shelf" of my PT Cruiser. The garage is in the basement, and the freezer and overflow pantry are in the basement, so I didn't want to bring everything upstairs just for a photo shoot.

Here's the list and what I paid (insofar as I can remember and decipher the receipt):
4 Voila meals - $1.75 each
1.06 lb yellow squash - $1.05
1 small top sirloin steak - $3.14
1 pkg salad topping - $0.50 overage
8 boxes french toast - $0.85 each
2 bags chocolate chips - $0.25 each
5 boxes Betty Crocker potatoes - free
3 packages frozen parker house rolls - $1.50 each
3 bottles Tylenol - $3.00 total overage
11 (what was I thinking?!) packages of refrigerated cookie dough - $0.45 each
1 super giant Idaho potato - $0.93
2 bottles coffee creamer - $0.10 each
2 boxes Special K cereal - $1.00 each
5 canisters bread crumbs - $0.69 each
1 canister oatmeal - $0.01
Plus I used a $3 off $30 coupon

Some of this went directly into the giveaway box. Most, if not all, of the post-baked cookies should be given away as well!


Angi said...

You were thinking that you wanted to make cookies for all your very special friends!

Dave said...

A Monday blog posting? Whoa.