Friday, April 24, 2009

Eye-poppin' Purple

Have you ever used any shampoo this color? I didn't think so. Me neither. But I did today. I had a $2 Pantene coupon, and this shampoo was on clearance at CVS for $1.99. So if it's free, my shampoo can be any color of the rainbow. And since my hair has several colors of the spectrum, including plenty of silver, this'll work. I must admit that the fragrance is a bit too perfumed for me, though.
P.S. Feel free to read my palm, if you'd like, since I've given you such a clear shot.


Dave said...

From your palm, I predict that you will wash your hair in the near future.

EmilyV said...

Yes, I used that color shampoo on old ladies' hair when I worked at the salon. I'm just saying. :P

Angi said...

Those of us with more "silver" know that color shampoo.

Joan said...

Guilty as charged.